Services Offered At The Dentist

Cosmetic dentists who have the skills and knowledge of dental surgical procedures perform various operations that are meant to improve one’s teeth. Most dental problems affect the appearance of the teeth. These problems include: loss of teeth, teeth cavities, gum diseases, tooth decay and discoloration of teeth. Cosmetic dentists’ experts provide services to affected patients basing on the infection that the teeth of the patient has. Some of these services are as discussed below:

Root canals

This method of treatment involves the removal of pulp canal. Pulp is a thread like and small tissue that is usually located around the tooth center. The pulp contains lymph tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Once the damaged pulp is removed, the space that remains is cleaned, shaped and filled. In case the decay extends to the lower level of the pulp, tooth aching is experienced. This also exposes the tooth infection risks. Thus, the root canal dental procedure involves the sealing of the canal to prevent the patient from infections as well as in reducing pain. A pus may build up at the tip of the root destroying surrounding bone which in most cases causes severe pain if the pulp that is diseased, dead or damaged is left untreated. Root canal treatment can be used to treat teeth injuries, cracked teeth as well as deep cavities.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are the most common methods of teeth treatment procedures. They are commonly referred to ascaps since they sit on the upper part of the tooth entirely. They improve the general appearance of the tooth and also improve on the strength. They are made from different materials such as ceramic, metals, stainless steel as well as resin. They cover discolored teeth.

Dental implants

They have a more natural look compared to the dentures. They are usually installed in the jaw bone and gum to act as normal tooth root. The deep foundation provides room for replacement teeth that that can be permanently fixed or temporal. They restore comfort, improved appearance of the teeth, confidence when communicating as well as easy chewing of food. The top La Crescenta dentist insert these implants basing on the teeth design. They are considered to be very safe since the material that they are made of, titanium, has no side effects to the body.


These dental procedures are suitable to patients lacking multiple teeth. They are also suitable to the elderly who have lost their teeth naturally or those people who have been involved in accidents leading to loss of some teeth. They are more affordable procedures as compared to the dental implants since they are cheap. They restore the smile and appearance of the teeth lost by multiple loss of teeth. These procedures may generate some pain and therefore use of general anesthesia is recommended.