When To Get Sedation Dentistry

Many people try to avoid dental procedures due to the fear of potential discomfort, pain, and mental or physical weakness. In such cases, sedation dentistry is considered a good option. The information provided in this write-up will help you to know for whom this kind of dentistry will be suitable.

Introduction with sedation dentistry

If before doing any dental procedure if the dentist has to use a drug like general anesthesia etc. to make the patient completely unconscious then it is known as sedation dentistry. Though various s other methods are also used by dentists to relax their patients but they do not help in relaxing them completely.

For whom Sedation Dentistry is suitable

Sedation dentistry is considered suitable for certain patients for different reasons like:

  • Bad experience with previous work on teeth
  • Dental procedure phobia
  • Soreness in the small mouth during dental procedures
  • Sensitivity in certain oral nerves
  • Anxiety disorder in general
  • Problem with local anesthesia

You can ask your dentist for sedation dentistry if you have any of the problems discussed above. For some of the main dental procedures like extraction of a tooth, root canal and setting the dental implants, etc. Sedation dentistry can be a good method to make the patients feel calm and relaxed.

Types of sedation dentistry

Generally, three types of sedation dentistry are used, including:

  • The use of nitrous oxide gas is done to relax the patients during dental procedures. You can go back to your home yourself after the procedure as its effect will be over after some time.
  • The use of oral sedatives like diazepam etc. is done to relax patients during procedures. You should take these sedatives nearly an hour before the procedure. It will keep you a bit less anxious but awake during the procedure. Until the effect of local sedative is over you may feel a bit sleepy.
  • The use of IV or intravenous sedatives is done to keep the patients unconscious at different stages of the procedure. Due to the effect of this anesthesia, the patient will not be aware of his surroundings and sleep deeply until its effect is over.

Though sedation dentistry is considered as the best option by many patients still it should be avoided as much as possible as it can cause several side effects. However, if you prefer it then you should tell your dentist about your allergies and sensitivities before using any kind of sedation dentistry.

If sedation dentistry is not suitable for you then you can opt for using local anesthesia to numb your mouth so that you may not experience any pain during a dental procedure.

Working of sedation dentistry

The type of sedation used by the dentist can change its working process. A sedative drug will be prescribed by your dentist with an instruction to use it if oral sedative is recommended by him. You can remain relaxed and reduce your anxiety during the dental procedure if you follow the instructions of your dentist. You will start feeling relaxed and drowsy as the drug will start working on you.

If you are recommended for the use of nitrous oxide then no prior preparation is required as your dentist over at Pure Smiles – Westerville can give it to the patient any time when required, before, during, or after the procedure.

But, for intravenous or IV sedation, you will have to be prepared in advance. You may not be allowed to drink or eat anything including your regular medications a few hours before the dental procedure with IV sedation.

The benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Reduce your fear: The use of any of the methods of sedation dentistry will reduce your fear for the dental chair as well as of the needles used during a dental procedure.

Reduce the risk for general health: If you are ignoring dental procedures due to your fear of pain caused by your Baton Rouge LA migraines then it can increase the risk of worsening your dental problems. In such situations, sedation dentistry can be the best solution for you. Some of your dental problems like broken or loose teeth, dental caries, etc. can increase the risk for your overall health if ignored for a long time.

So, sedation dentistry can be a good method of dentistry for those who are worried about the dental procedures to be done on them. They can feel relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair after using this method.