Manual Toothbrush vs. Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are much more expensive than manual ones, so why should you go out and buy one when your regular one seems to do the job just fine? In the past, researchers told us that both were as effective as each other so long as you brushed for 2 minutes but research has shown that electric toothbrushes have an edge. But before you throw out your regular one, let us look at the pros and cons of both.

Pros of a manual toothbrush
• A manual toothbrush will clean your teeth thoroughly so long as you brush for 2 minutes.
• They comes in many designs – you can get different bristles, a tongue cleaner, hard or soft bristles, a smaller head, different shapes and so on.
• They are a great option for travelling since you don’t need anything other than toothpaste to clean your teeth, unlike electric that require charging.
• Lastly, as we said, they are cheap, and often free if you go for your dental appointments as scheduled.
Cons of manual toothbrushes
• They require you to actually work to get your teeth clean.
• You have to guess how long you have been brushing as they have no timer.
Pros of electric toothbrushes
• They are easy to use – place it in the mouth, switch it on and it does the rest.
• They do more than manual toothbrushes – not only will your teeth get clean, you will also remove plaque.
• They are a motivation for brushing for kids since they are fun to use. If you have a child who is reluctant to brush their teeth after every meal you should buy them an electric toothbrush.
• The timer tells you when your teeth are clean.
Cons of electric toothbrushes
• You need to either charge them or replace batteries.
• They are expensive.
• They are not ideal for travel as they tend to be bulky and you also have to bring along the charger.
• They damage easily – if it drops you will likely have to buy a new one.
The important thing to note is that although an electric toothbrush will get rid of plaque, both kinds of toothbrushes will do an equally good job so long as you brush using the correct technique for long enough. As always, don’t forget to visit your dental practice in Riverside CA for your regular cleanings as well.

You should also be careful about over-brushing your teeth as it can lead to problems such as bleeding gums and sensitive teeth. Remember also that it is very important to brush your tongue – if you brush your teeth but not your tongue you will still have bad breath.